

Darkness is not evil, it's portrayed as evil

The woman

I was

From the moment she drew her first breath, Panthea was met with the disheartening reality of being shunned by a society that clung tightly to rigid conventions. Her unique heritage denied her the warmth and nurturing that a flourishing childhood ought to provide. Yet, within the embrace of a celestial muse, she discovered a fleeting respite from the trials that beset her path. It was amid the forgotten corners of the world and beneath the gentle radiance of the moon's gentle glow that she found solace, if only for precious moments.But as time passed, she grew to realize the bittersweet nature of those ephemeral pockets of happiness. Like the ever-changing seasons, they slipped through her fingers, leaving behind echoes of their beauty. Burdened by secrets known only to her, Panthea found herself perpetually concealed behind a carefully woven facade, navigating the world as a guardian of enigmatic truths. Despite the mask she wore, she became an inadvertent beacon of trust, adored by many and entrusted with their deepest confidences.

Yet, her presence remained as swift and fleeting as a moonbeam, disappearing under the cover of night. In the safety of darkness, she sought refuge from the vulnerability that came with comfort. Adapting to a life of perpetual nomadism, she honed her skills, drawing upon the wisdom of long-forgotten teachings and embracing her natural dexterity. With each passing day, she survived through resourcefulness and resilience, making the most of meager provisions fate granted her.The calluses that adorned her hands became badges of survival, bearing witness to her determination to endure the harshest of circumstances. In a world that often tested her resolve, Panthea discovered the art of resilience, adapting to whatever challenges befell her with grace and poise. Yet, in the solitude of her existence, she learned to keep others at arm's length, erecting an impenetrable barrier to protect her tender soul from further wounds.

Thus, Panthea, the captivating half-Seeker, half-Keeper miqo'te, emerged as a figure of undeniable allure and profound complexity. Her journey, marked by the duality of her heritage and the trials she encountered, was an odyssey of self-discovery and an unwavering testament to the indomitable spirit that resided within her.

The person

I became

Age: 36
Gender: Female || She/her
Height: 5'4"
Body Shape: Pear || Soft
Scent/Perfume: Lavender, Vanilla, Old Books
Occupation: Craftswoman || Enchantress
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Temperment: Empath - The Healer
Past Aliases: Panthea Rhakra || Panthea Lexina
Relationship Status: Taken
Roleplay: Slice of life || Long Term || Drama || Action & Adventure || Mature || Dark || Mystery

After all

theses years


  • Costello Wine (Nice Red Wine)

  • Making new connections

  • Flirting

  • The moon

  • Menphina

  • Purple and Black

  • The Occult

  • Forests and Woods

  • Candles (Scented and Unscented)

  • Reading & Collecting books

  • Piercings & Tattoos

  • Giving/Recieving Gifts


  • Children/Being asked about having children

  • Arrogance

  • Clashing attire

  • Being late/Individuals who are late

  • Birthdays

  • Lawful good individuals

  • Romantic Commitments

  • Mundane Routines

  • Surprises

  • Judgemental/Prude Individuals

  • Overbearing scents

  • Talking about family

What will

tomorrow bring?

Open to all

  • Need a place to stay and food to eat? Pan will offer her services with open arms.

  • Need some new well crafted gear? A new fancy weapon? She's very prideful of her work.

  • Follow the goddess Menphina? Come chat with this High Priestess

  • Know a thing or two about the hidden magics of the world? Or interested in learning more?

  • Looking for someone to train under? If she takes a liking to you, she may just be willing to take you under her wings.

Open to some

  • She has a mixture of aethers stored within her. More noticeable is a silver aether that constantly flows in and out. Less noticeable are the black and sickly green aether and a deep red and purple aether.

  • There is a darkness about her with her understanding and affinity for forbidden magicks. She may be able to offer her skills in these areas.

  • Many summers before she stole an artifact from a powerful archmage. Are you looking for it or seeking revenge?

The thoughts


Heyo! I'm the IRL Pan! I'm a 27yo wife and mother. I am open to all RP (especially Dark, Mature, Lore-Bending, Fantasy), but looking for long term. Other RP can be discussed. I am on and off throughout the week, reach out and say hi! Feel free to ask for my forbidden coupon code!

At arm's


☽︎ Client | ☾︎ Associate | ☄ Friend | ☼ Family | ⛦ Parnter

Uldas has been an important part of Pan's life for a long time. He saved her life when she was merely ten summers old. They grew up together. He saw her through many trials and tribulations. A horrible happening cause them to part for many years, but love has a way. They found each other again, and this time didn't stop at just being friends.

Meeting through the Sundrop Cafe, Shouta and Pan became rather quick friends. She often gets on his nerves, and weasles her way into his business. Despite this she sees him as her best friend and there is little she wouldn't do to help him.

Dil and Pan met through a place called Termon Hallows. They worked together and bonded over many jobs and trials. He is one of the best individuals she knows and he was one of the first people she came to trust at Termon Hallows.

Much like Shouta, Pan met Jade through the Sundrop Cafe. It took a little more time for them to become closer friends but now she can't imagine her life without him and Shouta. Even if he does kick in the doors, all the time.

Vihan is Pan's one and only child. Having him young she had chosen to reach out to an old coven member. Their family took him in with open arms, and even sent updates on his growth and development. In recent moons they have reconnected and are attempting to build a relationship between them. With Uldas' help it has been blossoming slowly.

These two met in a curious way. He needed her talents and she was too curious to not take on the job. During their time together they grew close and became friends. She enjoys his company and often finds her way to see him, if nothing more than to say hello.

Yuno was the owner of Termon Hallows. He brought Pan in and gave her a place to feel safe. He helped her build trust and find a home and family there.

Pan met Zuichi and found him to be a fantastic connection. Now she has taken him on as a sort of appentice in certain aetherical practices.

Met through a previous friend Xielann became an important client and associate. She makes her way to the Gilded Lily whenever she can to support his business. While she is civil with him, it's not exactly a secret that he's not her favorite person around.

Panthea's First Reflection

The skies were aflame with shooting stars when Panthea found themselves pulled from their star. A darkness stole their senses and the Viis was thrown into the Source. A new world lay before them as they search for a way back home.

Quick Information

Race: Viera || Rava
Gender: Non-Binary (They/Them)
Age: Unknown || Looks late 20's
Height: 6'0"
Body Type: Lean || Dainty
Occupation: Enchanter
Relationship Status: Single


  • Are you also from the Source? Looking for a way to get back? Perhaps they can help each other.

  • They're open about the magic practice and perhaps a bit off in comparison to the Source. Ask them about it?

  • With their curious stares, they are likely trying to make sense of something new. Strike up a conversation if you'd like!

  • Their accent is a bit strange and often call races by the wrong name, they're still learning. Try to learn where they're from?

  • If you have any other ideas, or want to workshop some ideas please feel free to reach out!